Dividend Payment Policy

Dexon Technology Public Company Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries have a policy to pay dividends of not less than 40% of the net profit after deduction of corporate income tax and legal reserve from the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements. Payment of dividends is subject to change according to company's earning results, balance sheets status, liquidity, investment plans, market conditions and other obligations as the company shall have sufficient cash to conduct its business and such operation shall bring maximum benefit to the shareholders as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors and/ or the Company's Shareholders.

With respect to annual dividend, after the resolution of the Board of Directors to pay dividend, the Board shall submit to the shareholders for an approval at the Shareholders Annual General Meeting. Except the interim dividend, the Board can approve to pay an interim dividend and will report to the shareholders at the next Shareholders Meeting.

Dividend Payment Policy of Company’s Subsidiary

For dividend payment policy of company’s subsidiary, each subsidiary will consider to pay or not to pay according to its cash flow balance compare to its investment’s budget. Payment of dividends is subject to change according to company's earning results, balance sheets status, liquidity, investment plans, market conditions and other obligations as the company shall have sufficient cash to conduct its business and such operation shall bring maximum benefit to the shareholders as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors and/ or the Company's Shareholders.

With respect to annual dividend, after the resolution of the Board of Directors to pay dividend, the Board shall submit to the shareholders for an approval at the Shareholders Annual General Meeting. Except the interim dividend, the Board can approve to pay an interim dividend and will report to the shareholders at the next Shareholders Meeting.

Board Date X-Date Payment Date Type Dividend (Baht/Shares) Operation Period
19/02/2025 05/03/2025 22/05/2025 Cash Dividend 0.060 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
28/02/2024 07/05/2024 24/05/2024 Cash Dividend 0.052 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023